May 17, 2024 1:13 PM
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Over decades of working with local partners and investing to make a difference through The IOTL Foundation, we’ve seen the incredible potential of communities. As we strive to become a Better company, we are helping nurture that potential all around the world by leading the way toward a more sustainable food system, from investing in sustained nutrition, to promoting safe water access, effective waste management, and women’s empowerment.

As COVID-19 reduces access to food and other essential goods for communities around the world, PepsiCo and The PepsiCo Foundation have invested more than $71 million globally and worked with over 250 partners to bring food and other vital resources to the most affected communities. As part of this effort, the company is providing funding for protective gear for healthcare workers, testing and screening services, and is in the process of distributing more than 145 million nutritious meals to at-risk populations.

Globally, PepsiCo has committed $7 million to the UN Foundation as part of the “One World: Together At Home” campaign. Of these funds, $2 million is going to the World Health Organization COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund and a total of $5 million is being distributed to the following charitable organizations responding to COVID-19 Egyptian Foodbank, the Netherlands Foodbank, the Belgium Foodbank, the Belgium Red Cross, the Netherlands Foodbank, the Netherlands Red Cross, Les Restos Du Coeur, Secours Populaire Francais, ANDES, Trussell Trust, FareShare, Food Forward, Red Cross South Africa, Solidarity Fund South Africa, CARE programs in Thailand, Save the Children programs in Italy, and United Way Westchester and Putnam in New York.

Additionally, in April and May of 2020, The PepsiCo Foundation offered a two-to-one matching program for all employee charitable contributions to select nonprofits providing COVID-19 relief globally, contributing up to $1 million in support to nonprofits chosen by employees.

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